Transform your Terminal with Shadows

We're building a machine learning model that learns from your team's work to help you even if they're not there!

Our Vision

Reacreating Developer Knowledge

Shadows takes the work your team has done and uses it to help you in the future. It's like having a team of experts working with you, even when they're not there.

Capture Work

As you use your terminal, Shadows will capture your work, and learn from it. You have full control over what we can capture.

Create Knowledge

Our model creates enterprise knowledge in the form of text documents, which the whole team can read and learn from.

Solve Problems

When you're stuck, Shadows can look at everyone's work and tell you how others solved similar bugs, saving you countless hours of debugging!

How it Works

Capturing your work

Our model continuously learns and improves based on your work in the terminal.

Input & Output:
Shadows uses the commands you enter in the terminal, along with its corresponding output to understand what you are trying to accomplish. Our model will learn what worked and what didn't, and can use this to help you in the future!
Sending Data:
The terminal commands you enter and their output are sent to our model every time you close the terminal. Our model is deployed on prem to prevent any data from leaving your firewall.
We respect your privacy, and only use the commands you want us to. You can also delete any commands, secret keys, etc. that you don't want us to see.

How it Works

Creating a Knowledge Hub

Shadows creates documentation off of your work, and creates an enterprise knowledge repository for your team!

Upload Documentation: Our model can add existing documentation to the knowledge hub, and will create new documentation based on your work!
See knowledge in text: Save countless hours writing your own documentation from scratch, and watch all of the work your team is doing be captured in real time, and in one central repository!
Save Time: Our model refers to these documents when you're stuck to provide personalized, and project-specific advice! No more unnecessary debugging, meetings, or waiting around for the right person to become available!

For Developers. By Developers.

Sign up to test Shadows today:

If you'd like to help us test Shadows please fill out this form and we'll reach out to you once it's ready!

Try Shadows